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User Login

User Login: HoÅŸ Geldiniz

Dorinsol Registration Process

In this part, our user experiences the login and registration processes.


Sign In

In this section, our user can log in using his phone number and password if he has an account that he has opened before. With the remember me option, our user's phone and password information is saved. You can create a password again with the password sent to your phone in the forgot password section.

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Sign Up

In this section, we have two types of users. Our user in the first part is in the admin part. The administrator has to create his company at the time of registration. It makes a company code for the company's employees to register. Our second type of user is a company employee. The company employee registers with the company code received from the manager during the registration process.

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Account management

In this part, our user experiences the login and registration processes.

User Login: Kabul
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